Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunshine Stitching

I attended two World Wide Stitch in Public events on Saturday. I neglected to take photos at the meet-up at the Original Farmers Market. It was early and I was concentrating on my knitting! Sorry. It was a good group....our usual size for our once-a-month Saturday WeHo meetings.
Fairview Stitchers, Clover Park
At 3pm I zoomed down to Santa Monica's Clover Park and set up camp under a pine tree. We had a very good turnout. Several people brought treats to share!
Molly's laughing at something!!
I only took photos at the beginning of the meet-up, but by the end of the day, we must have had at least 20 ladies stitchin' away! Thanks to everyone for coming out on a beautiful day to promote our art!

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At 8:14 PM PDT, Anonymous Jo Anne said...

and four dogs came to knit as well!!

At 5:54 PM PDT, Anonymous Joan Murray said...

Y'all are wearing long sleeves and sweaters? In Western NC we've got temps in high 90s and humid, and LA's cooler??? That does it, I'm moving to SoCal!
Although that tree was just begging for a bunch of people to set a while, and socialize.
What fun!

At 6:07 PM PDT, Blogger Ana Petrova said...

It was cold! The park is close to the ocean and there was a cold breeze. But fun was had by all. It's a good thing I had Lucy in my lap she was like a little hot water bottle keeping me warm.


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