
Monday, November 03, 2008

Fabric and Fiber Fun

Oh yes...this past weekend was full of fabric and fiber fun. On Saturday morning, after my usual run to the supermarket, I saw my neighbors, Rosina and Nic in front of their house as I pulled into our driveway. Rosina was arranging tons and tons of upholstery and drapery fabric samples on a tarp on the lawn. Of course I ran right over to see what was going on. Rosina represents many fabric companies for her business. These were samples that she wanted to discard. She tried to donate them to a thrift shop, but it seems that thrift shops and charities like whole pieces of fabric, not samples. Many of these pieces were at least a yard square...quite large!
I chose a few to make pillows for our living room couch. I immediately called up Ms. Natalie, seamstress extraordinaire. She rushed over and grabbed up more fabric. We also pulled some out for that other seamstress extraordinaire, Ms. Carla. I can definitely see making some tote bags out of this super sturdy fabric too! Thanks, Rosina!
Later in the day I met up with Natalie again, along with Lori, Mary Jo, Angela, Rainy and Leti. We convened at the HomeGirl Cafe for a light lunch and some serious knitting. We had a great time. I really do like that place!!! You must join us on a Saturday from 2-5. The food is good and inexpensive, the place is welcoming, the knitters are great and the parking is FREE!
On Sunday afternoon I ventured down to Torrance for the Southern California Handweavers' Guild Weaving and Fiber Festival. I only stayed for about 45 minutes. It was entirely too tempting with some wonderful yarn for sale. I managed to purchase this incredibly huge skein of Newton Country sportweight merino. It was seriously discounted. Really. I couldn't pass it up!!!


  1. All those yarn piles and you managed to leave with only one huge skein? I am totally impressed.

  2. man that's a hunk-a-hunk of yummy yarn!

  3. Anonymous2:10 AM PST

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  4. Anonymous4:03 AM PST

    OMG....I would have been like a pig in a big mud hole...(Very Happy that is)....Lulu
