
Monday, November 24, 2008

L.A. Conservancy Gala @ Bullocks Wilshire

On Saturday we were fortunate to attend the L.A. Conservancy's 30th Anniversary Gala at the historic Bullocks Wilshire Department Store (Designed by John and Donald Parkinson, 1929). Bullocks is no longer a store, but luckily, this fabulous building has been re-purposed by SouthWestern Law School and still stands as a wonderful example of art deco architecture and design in our City of Los Angeles.

This was a very fancy-schmany affair! Guests arrived under Bullocks' historic porte cochere and were escorted to the perfume aisle. A silent auction display area was set up here, as well as a bar. On the second floor, location of the lounge and the CoCo Chanel room, were hors d'oeuvres inspired by the original Bullocks Wilshire Tea Room and another bar, in addtion to more silent auction items. Going on at the same time was a vintage Bullocks-era fashion show modeled by live mannequins. Later, dinner was served in the penthouse Tea Room.

The setting was magnificent. Congratulations to the staff of the L.A. Conservancy for attending to every single detail to make this a memorable gala!


  1. I'm so glad your fudge turned out good. Isn't that the BEST recipe ever??? I can't wait to try the chinese noodle one... OMG! It sounds delicious!!!

  2. what a great slide show you have created. Such an amazing structure.

  3. Anonymous3:10 PM PST

    Hey Ellen! Congrads on being linked to "Curbed LA" today! The Bullocks event looked outstanding!

    West Hollywood

  4. Great pics. It looks like an amazing event.

  5. My grandparents met at the Bullocks Wilshire in the 1940s. My grandmother was a model there and my grandfather was a shoe salesman!

  6. Where are the photos of the pastel 8-12 Easter bunnies that lined the Miracle Mile in the 1950s? This was a Bullocks marketing gimmick to draw in customers. I was three years old and it was 1954. We were going to the May Company for peppermint and chocolate cigarettes.
    Cynthia Taylor
