
Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It's been a year of lay-offs, scrimping and cutting back. Hopefully, our economy will make a comeback in 2010. Appropriately, Larry and I sent out our holiday cards last week, using "forever" stamps. The cards are small in size and we made them ourselves. I'd say that was a bit of down-sizing for the season!

Wishing you and yours a joyous holiday and a happy new year!


  1. Down sizing is definately on my menu. Also the LA Central Library looks like a place I need to visit. I love reading and checking something out from the library would really save me on my book budget.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM PST

    Oh how cute, do you have a pattern for the stars, Id love to do a scarf :)

  3. Hi Renee'
    The pattern for the stars is on my blog here:

  4. Anonymous7:22 AM PST

    HI Ellen, Thanks

  5. Downsizing ain't so bad. Makes me appreciate all that I got and to treat those things a little nicer.

    Happy Holidays.

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM PST

    woolanthropy your right, it does make to appreciate it more :)

    Makes me feel even more blessed to have what I have :)

  7. Happy Holidays to my L.A. blogging friend! Looks like we will have a partial white Christmas after all. This snow is hanging around. Hugs!

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM PST

    Donna we have flurries here in Texas but It will probably be gone by tomorrow

  9. Cute card!! I ended up giving away my stars (doubled up the yarn, turned out FABULOUS) as token gifties. They were much appreciated. So THANK YOU for the pattern!!
