
Friday, December 18, 2009

VPF & Holiday Hats!

Reseda Home for the Aged, Knitting Holiday Gifts, 1955
Photo courtesy of LA Public Library Archives

Last night was our WeHo SnB Ho Ho Ho Holiday Hat Party at the Original Farmers Market. People wore some very creative hats and brought awesome treats to share! Thanks to Laurie Ann, Natalie and ME for providing goodies for our prize bags.
Two stand-out hats in the creativity and beauty departments last night were Bridget with her Moose Menorah hat and Brenda with her golden flapper poinsettia chapeau.
Bridget's Moose Menorah

Brenda's Elegant Sparkly Poinsettia Chapeau
(Vivian in the background)

We all had a marvelous time, admiring everyone's hats, fascinators and whatever you would call that blinking tree on Laurie Ann's head!!!


  1. Wow! Everybody really stepped out with some great holiday hats! I'm sad I missed it, but thanks for the pics!

  2. What great hats! Looks like alot of fun was had by all. Bob's donuts - yum, that's where I'm heading tommorrow morning. I'll take a big bite of one just for you!

  3. What a fun night full of great hats. I love our group of great people.

  4. Love the hats! You guys are crazy. Happy Holidays one and all.

  5. Oh what fun. I love all the hats. Yours is so cute...real elfish looking!

  6. Hi Ellen, Wow - I LOVE your blog! I laughed at the Chanukah sweater, marveled at the beautiful, rare pic of the snow-covered mountains in LA, and love the way you captured so many stitchers have a ball doin' their thang. Good for you! Hope to run into you one of these days soon! hApPy hOliDAyS

  7. Oh, my goodness. What a bunch of knuckleheads!!! How did you choose a winner?! There are so many that are uniquely "the best" in their category!!

  8. So sorry I wasn't there. It looks like it was, as always, lots of fun!
