
Friday, August 14, 2015

Squares 'R Us

Natalie, Sara and Brenda with OUR afghan!

I'm very proud of all my yarny friends. For about one and half months, they have been giving me squares in varying shades of blue, pink and purple to create an afghan for our friend, Brenda.  Brenda has cancer. She is having surgery in September. Even though it is very hot in Los Angeles right now, we know that Brenda will need a bit of warmth during her recovery in the months to come. I received so many squares from knitters and crocheters who love Brenda, that I also put together a very long shawl / lap-blanket.
Oh yeah. She was surprised!

We presented these items to Brenda at last night's West Hollywood Stitch 'n Bitch group. I do believe she was surprised. 

Healing thoughts went into every single stitch, Dear Brenda!

Okay. I'm done with crocheting afghans for awhile.

Another yarny weekend ahead.  I'll be at the El Segundo Slipt Stitchers Guild meeting on Saturday morning, Clover Park/Santa Monica in the afternoon and then the West Adams Knitters at the Blu Elefant Cafe on Sunday!  Woo Hoo!  Have a great weekend, my friends.


  1. Thank you so much for all your hard work, organizing, collecting and putting the afghan together. And yes, there is healing in every stitch.

  2. There is no ghan like a Brendagahn.

    This is so great!


  3. Ellen, how very special and thoughtful of your group to make such a lovely afghan for Brenda. Where would we all be without the support of our knitting and crocheting buddies in our groups? You are all very precious!!!

  4. Brenda is a dear friend, Joan and a long-time member of our West Hollywood Stitch 'n Bitch. It was a pleasure to create these pieces for such a sweet and considerate friend.
