Knit Portraits

Labels: yarny stuff
Labels: yarny stuff
Labels: Los Angeles
Labels: Los Angeles
Labels: yarny stuff
When I'm in a lull, I like to whip out some kitchen cotton or Paton's shiny cotton and knit or crochet a washcloth. I've been calling them SPA CLOTHS...sounds fancier. I give these as hostess gifts, little birthday gifts, etc. I usually pair 2 cloths with some nice soap or bath gel. To make the gift seem even more elegant, I attach a little tag that says:
Labels: yarny stuff
Labels: Los Angeles
Anyway, back to HATS! During the summer I was on a crocheted crusher hat kick. Pictured are a few samples. My friend, Shannita crocheted this faboo multi-color crusher hat out of Noro Silk Garden! Gorgeous! Our crusher pattern is modified from this pattern. I suppose I should try some mittens to go with all of those hats!
This weekend, we'll be visiting the L.A. County Fair. I'm looking forward to seeing all of the craft areas. Of course, I'll be sampling some deep-fried Twinkies and Mars Bars! Have a great weekend.
Labels: yarny stuff
First, the whining: This is my second attempt at a BLOG. I'm hoping that this interface will be user-friendly. The lovely and talented Crazy Aunt Purl designed the header in this post. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to make this header a permanent one on my blog!!! Also, I wanted to add a photo to my Profile...argh....can't quite figure that one out either!
I will be blogging about crocheting, knitting, art and all things Los Angeles. I'm an L.A. native and I LOVE this City!
I've been knitting and crocheting lots of hats lately. I've sent many to Stitches From The Heart for donation to Hurricane Katrina victims, as well as to hospitals across the country for preemies. Pctured are a few samples, modeled beautifully by Samantha Southerland and Larry Underhill. The aforementioned
Crazy Aunt Purl is responsible for this flurry of hat making too! She has a great tutorial on her site on how to make this hat to fit everyone! Considering she's a novice knitter, she's highly advanced at explaining the intricacies of this project. I've been knitting and crocheting for waaaaay over 35 years and I still don't have the patience to really sit down and write out a pattern! Shout out to Ms. Purlie!
Tonight, I'll be attending my usual Stitch 'n Bitch meeting at the Original Farmers Market in Los Angeles. I'll take a few hats for show and tell. Right now, I'm working on even more hats to sell at holiday time. I'm trying to use up all of my crunchy acrylic yarn that I've been collecting for too many years. Do I hear yarn/yard sale?
Labels: Los Angeles