Patons Soy Yarn - Loden
Rugged Hand Model, Bob
Dive' Teseo Yarn
12 down, 12 to go! I've made 12 pairs of wristys for holiday gifts. I have about 12 more pairs to go. Last night at the WeHo SnB, Jenna asked me how long it takes for me to knit a wristy. I timed myself one Saturday. If I make a cabled wristy, it takes 3 hours for each one....6 hours for a pair. If I just knit a 2 x 2 rib for the entire wristy, it only takes me about 1-1/2 hours per wristy....3 hours for a pair.
I've had various "hands" model my wristys for gift tag purposes. Below, is the hand of rugged "Bob" using his wristy to ward off the chill of an ice-cold brewski!

Dive' Teseo Yarn
This weekend, I'll be at the once-a-month Saturday WeHo SnB at the Original Farmers Market, upstairs dining area from 10 am to noon. I'll be running errands the rest of the day until Larry and I head up to Highland Park for the Second Saturday Gallery Night. The rest of the weekend will be spent KNITTING WRISTYS!!!
Have a great one!
Labels: yarny stuff
I like the wristys, and doing them for holiday gifts was a great idea. It's too late now for me to jump on that bandwagon, I'm hat happy this holiday season (or perhaps it'll be hat hell by mid-December) but after Christmas I'll knit some up for myself and see what kind of feedback I get so I can plan for next year. And maybe by then I'll have learned how to do cables!
Go, Ellen, go go go! You're halfway there! (whew, that's a lot of wristys)
Happy weekend knitting!
You are a knitting machine! Love that sweater you did too.. the horizontal stripes actually look very nice I think.
The wristys look great Ellen. You go girl!
I am pretty sure that at least a couple of spinners and Ravelers are going to be showing up at the same time so that should be tremendous fun! Unintentional fun, but, that's ok!
We accidentally scheduled our little Ravelry So Cal Spinning Knitters spin in thing for the same date/time/location, anyway! :-D
The more the merrier, right?
Go Ellen Go! Wristy fever has spread to my household and I'm thinking about cranking out a pair or 2 for holiday gifts too.
I caught the fever too and have made 6 pair. i made 2 1/2 pair this weekend. I think it started out pretty slow because I chose to make some mods to the pattern and knit mine in the round - just because I preferred the look. I cast on dpn's and then transfer to 2 16" circs and join. I'm sure if I knit them flat it would go faster but I'm starting to build speed. I increased the stitches to 48 to "man-size" them and put 2 cables for my husband. Those took forever! I'm also using the sewn bind off for the first time and really liking it. I doubt I catch up to you but hope to at least make a dent in my gift list! Thanks for the inspiration!!
I happened on to your blog tonight while surfing knitting related LA stuff (obsessed? me?) Would you send me a pattern for easy version (just rib)of the wristy? I would love to try! They are CUTE!
Glad to see I'm not the only one who's made a million of these things!
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