Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Renegade Bake Sale

Eagle Rockdale Community Garden

On Sunday afternoon, Larry and I drove up to the Eagle Rockdale Community Garden in Eagle Rock for the Renegade Bake Sale.  
Ben Guzman and Kelly Marie Martin of Triple Chicken Foot
This was a fundraiser to support the California Homemade Food Act.  Our friends, Mark and Suzette invited us.  Mark is an artisan bread baker with clients all over Los Angeles.  I met Suzette in our West Hollywood Stitch 'n Bitch group.  She's an excellent knitter and crocheter!  Her work always inspires me.

 Mark Stambler, Artisan Baker

The Community Garden was packed on Sunday.  There were people selling bread, cookies, fresh lemonade, tortillas, hand made pizzas and more.  This shaded garden was a perfect spot to hear a little old-timey bluegrass music from Triple Chicken Foot (Double Chicken Foot on Sunday, with only two members present), some cool roots music from Fur Dixon and Steve Werner and to sample some delicious baked goods.

LOVE the Oilcloth cut-outs on the lemonade jug!

Ellen and Suzette

I was most pleased to meet Cardie from wholesale only Oilcloth International in nearby Highland Park.  I love the sales for the public that she puts on a few times of year.  We had a major discussion about the piggy ladies that hog much of her merchandise at the sales, never letting the rest of us a chance at the goods.  I do believe Cardie has worked out a plan of fair trade for Oilcloth's next sale in June.
Ellen and Cardie

Larry and I bought a few loaves of bread, some yummy pretzel rolls, oatmeal cookies and cooled off with some perfectly fresh-squeezed lemonade.  It was a grand afternoon in the Arroyo.

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At 3:53 PM PDT, Anonymous Suze said...

Great photo of Mark. As for me ... thank goodness for sun glasses! :)

At 9:49 AM PDT, Blogger gale (she shoots sheep shots) said...

Sound slike a perfect afternoon to me--and I love that your advocated for fair sales ops with Oilcloth. I'm a huge fan of theirs too and I can imagine how disgusted I'd be if I was closed out.


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