Whoa! These prices are amazing! |
Everyone's making such a big deal about post T-Giving Day sales! I think it's rather awful that many stores are opening on T-giving night for the pre-Xmas rush. In the old days, we'd get up early on the Friday after turkey day. Mom would bundle me up in my winter coat and we'd drive all the way down Wilshire Boulevard, through Beverly Hills, past the Miracle Mile to Mid-Wilshire and the hulking Bullocks Wilshire Department Store. We'd stand in line with the other shivering masses, waiting for the doors to be unlocked. Once inside, Mom would spring into action. We were usually looking for a new coat, sweaters and other clothing suitable for California winters. Sometimes we ended up on the Playdeck, checking out the resort clothes for our frequent trips to Palm Springs.
Mom was always very proud of the good deals that she found. I'd be exhausted from being shoved and pushed around by the other shopping ladies in their frenzy to find bargains. On the way home, we'd often stop for lunch at Webster's Coffee Shop on the corner of Wilshire and San Vicente, at the western edge of the Miracle Mile, just before the Beverly Hills border.
This coming Friday after Thanksgiving, you will not find me at any retail establishments. I will be at home working on my own hand-knit and hand-crocheted gift items.
I look forward to seeing my extended family tomorrow in Marina del Rey for a sunny and beautiful Thanksgiving feast. Happy Thanksgiving!
Labels: Art, At Home, family, Fashion, Los Angeles, Memories, Vintage Photos, yarny stuff