Friday, September 18, 2020

Happy New Year!

Today is the start of the Jewish New Year, 5781. L' Shana Tovah to my family and friends. One of the many traditions during this holiday is to eat something sweet to make sure that you will have a sweet and happy new year.  We dip apples in honey or eat some delicious honey cake.  

It is also customary during Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year, to start fresh and cast your sins into the water by throwing pieces of bread into the nearest lake, ocean, river, etc.  This is called the tradition of Tashlikh The closest body of water to our house is the Ballona Creek, a waterway used as a flood channel. It looks more like a concrete road during our drought.
Later today, we will walk over to Ballona Creek and toss a few crumbs of bread into the channel.  I'm sure the pigeons will love it!
Ballona Creek, Los Angeles

Since this is the year of the Pandemic, our celebration will be small. Larry and I will sit down to a dinner of roast chicken, Aunt Luba's lokshen kugel, candied carrots cut into the shape of little 
coins to insure wealth and good luck in the New Year and maybe a bit of honey cake for dessert. Happy New Year, my friends!


At 4:59 AM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beautifully said Ell!!


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