To Protect & Preserve

The Historic Zones of Los Angeles or HPOZs (Historic Preservation Overlay Zones) are of deep interest
to me. I was born and raised here in L.A. and I feel strongly about preserving what architectural history we have.
This weekend, the Los Angeles Conservancy is holding a tour of five historic homes in different HPOZs, depicting some of the vintage architecture of
Los Angeles. There will be a docent tour of each of the five homes, as well as neighborhood representatives from each area talking about the cultural and historical details of their zone.
The five areas are Lincoln Heights, Pico-Union, Van Nuys , Whitley Heights and Windsor Square .
Each area contains homes with unique architecture, Spanish Colonial Revival, Tudor Revival, Victorian, etc. In years past, there have been areas highlighted that are far from each other, but this year, it should be easy to get to all five homes by the end of the day.
Mr. Larry shot most of the photos for the self-guided tour leaflet and my friend, Amy designed the brochure. Amy has added some restaurant suggestions for each of the neighborhoods.
There are still tickets available for the day-long tour. You can call the Los Angeles Conservancy (213/623-2489), or just show up at the Whitley Heights location on Sunday
to purchase your tour tickets. Tax-deductible tickets are $30 for non-members and $25 for L.A. Conservancy members.

This weekend, the Los Angeles Conservancy is holding a tour of five historic homes in different HPOZs, depicting some of the vintage architecture of

The five areas are Lincoln Heights, Pico-Union, Van Nuys , Whitley Heights and Windsor Square .

Mr. Larry shot most of the photos for the self-guided tour leaflet and my friend, Amy designed the brochure. Amy has added some restaurant suggestions for each of the neighborhoods.
There are still tickets available for the day-long tour. You can call the Los Angeles Conservancy (213/623-2489), or just show up at the Whitley Heights location on Sunday

I will be stationed with my HPOZ paintings at the Whitley Heights location, which is in the parking lot at Odin and Highland, in the same location as the Hollywood Heritage Museum in the Lasky-DeMille Barn, 2100 North Highland Avenue, (across from the Hollywood Bowl).
Every time I attend a tour or lecture put on by the L.A. Conservancy, I learn something new about my City. There are always other interesting and friendly people at these events too. I highly recommend your participation and look forward to seeing you at the Hollywood location.
Every time I attend a tour or lecture put on by the L.A. Conservancy, I learn something new about my City. There are always other interesting and friendly people at these events too. I highly recommend your participation and look forward to seeing you at the Hollywood location.

L.A. Conservancy Official Photographer
Labels: Los Angeles
Every time I see your work, I wonder why you aren't an *artiste*, sequestered away at some fantastic retreat up in Big Sur or something, creating your work to be exhibited at prohibitively chi-chi galleries attended by the fabulously wealthy or well-connected.
But I'm glad you're not, if only for my own selfish reasons.
Oh are too kind! Believe me, I wish I COULD make a living at painting, knitting and crocheting. I figured it out once...I would have to sell about 15 paintings a week, 12 sweaters and 32 scarves to just get by. Sorry. I just don't think I could keep up with that pace! Thanks for the compliments.
I love, love this painting but I am sure I can't afford it...yet! I heard that the Capital building is going to be made into condos/apartments, I would live there for sure and it would be convenient if they left the recording sudios in the basement too!
Your paintings are lovely. I'm a transplant, but I'm in love with LA and the architecture and all of it. My former boss, Roger, used to be the docent for the Spring Street tours with the LA Conservancy and he has taught me so much about the history and culture. I think I know what I'm doing Sunday
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