Knitting Muses

My Mom (left), my Aunt Celia (center) and my Aunt Mae (right) are my knitting muses. The photo above was taken at my Brother's bar mitzvah reception at the Sportsman's Lodge in 1958. I love that we were all dressed up in our temple hats, holding cocktails! I wish I had photos of my Mom and Aunties actually knitting. I was probably too busy trying to learn knit techniques to take any photos of such activities. None of the above ladies knits any longer. Over the years they have all given me their various knit and crochet supplies, including yarn, instructions, aluminum knitting needles, etc.
I don't remember Mom ever really knitting anything for me, except for some Barbie clothes. She knit a few things for herself and I do remember a zippered, royal blue jacket she knit for my brother. Auntie Celia made me many sweaters when I was little, knowing that when I outgrew them, the sweaters would come back to her for my younger cousins' use. Aunt Mae knit many things for her home; she was also VERY into needlepoint and bargello and made so many gorgeous pillows.
On my Dad's side of the family, my Aunt Frances was the knitter. She still knits. Over the years she has given me many vintage knit-struction booklets.
With all of these family influences, how could I have NOT become a knitter and crocheter!
This weekend, I plan on practicing my knitterly skills. Have a great one!
Labels: family, yarny stuff
What a cute photo of you! I love your "Easter" hat. Do you remember what color your hat and dress were? I'll bet they were pink!
How did you know, Judy? Of course my hat, dress and corsage were pink! I outgrew the dress and we gave it to my younger cousin, but I hung on to that little hat for YEARS! I wish I still had it. Under the hat was my first pixie haircut. I'm still wearing a version of this haircut today. LOL.
What a wonderful legacy they gave to you! DOE-MESS-TIS-CITY was NOT in my mother's genetic code.
Sittin' and knittin' is my plan for the weekend, too. So many movies on DVD, so little time...
That's wonderful! My mother is my "knitting guru" and I'm incredibly grateful that we can share that.
You come from a crafty and Stylin' family. You are all dressed to the nines and I love it. Great family photo.
What a great photo!
I see fabulousness runs in the family!
Cute Little Ellen!
Love the photo and reminiscing, priceless.
Oh! Look at cute little you :)
Love the photo of you oh so chic ladies.
Happy weekend pracitising your wicked knitterly skills!
"None of the above ladies knits any longer" - uh. . . except for one very notable one!!!
Y'all are so freakin fahnsee I caint standz it. Comparatively, we'd be practically ruffians (but in our defense, when I was that age, we lived in the islands). I can't believe people actually got that gussied up!
You are so cute I would just pinch your cheeks and tell you jokes to make you my best friend, but I'd probably end up annoying you.
You know I wish I'd been in this picture. The clothes! The hats! The drinks! You all knew how to do a bar mitzvah up right!
And stop it you were way, way too cute!
Gosh, those outfits look familiar! Kind of the way my little cousins would have been dressed. Their mama was stylin' and they always looked adorable! And yes, my mother knit and crocheted and taught me; she also tatted, but I've never been able to master that skill!
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