Nat'l. Crochet Month
March is National Crochet Month. The Crochet Guild of America
(CGOA) is trying to further the art of crochet and has suggested activities to foster this great art/craft. CGOA proposes that we crochet for charity, teach someone to crochet, exhibit our work with other crocheters and just generally improve our knowledge of crochet.

For my contribution, I'm willing to help anyone learn to crochet if they are attending one of the Stitch 'n Bitch meetings where I promise to show up this week.
Tonight, I'll be at the Original Farmers Market, 3rd and Fairfax, upstairs dining area from 7-9pm. Saturday, I'll be at the same place, from 10 am to noon. Saturday afternoon I'll be at the Fairview Knitters Group, Santa Monica Library, 2101 Ocean Park Blvd., Santa Monica from 3:30 - 5:30pm.

If you're a reader of this blog, you know that I LOVE the fiber arts. I've been knitting and crocheting for many, many years. I like them both. Knitting is good for garments, crochet is good for trim on garments, household items, etc. Of course, crochet is getting popular for garments again. It's a fact that crocheting uses up about one-third more yarn than knitting, so I always try to take this into consideration when making a garment. If you desire a more flexible crocheted piece, you can usually achieve this by using lighter weight yarn and/or a larger crochet hook. The possibilities are endless. Below is an old, blurry video that Laurie Perry took of me at the Farmers Market, trying to demonstrate the Herringbone Half-Double Crochet Stitch. Notice the lively group of knitters and crocheters in the background. We do have fun!
See you this week. Bring your hook and some practice yarn!
Labels: yarny stuff
:) I like watching the video just to see the faces - I think I see some Miss K, some Ucc, some LaurieAnn. . .
Wow I wish I could come! I really enjoyed the beginner crochet class I took at Stitches West and I'm afraid if I don't practice I'll start forgetting what I learned. (I'm a learn by doing person - do it over & over.) If you have any suggestions for a basic scarf or hat pattern or something else that would be good for someone like me - please pass them along!
See, I didn't even know it was crochet month. I've been crocheting like a fiend since I had to report for jury duty. I finished a hat and a scarf! Just sitting there! Photos will follow in my much neglected blog.
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