Eating Healthy

Onion Rings and Fries @ The Shack
So much has been written about eating healthy in this day of multiple fast-food choices. As I advance in years, I'm beginning to feel the wisdom in this. I hadn't eaten any sugar or sweets for about four days. On Wednesday I had two bites of a divine cream puff from Beard Papa. It sent my heart racing, gave me a headache and after a few minutes high, dropped my mood into the depths. OK. Now I can FEEL that sugar is bad for me.
Since it is spring and we're eating lighter, I am going to make a concentrated effort to eat more veggies and fruits, less red meat and more fish and chicken. I suppose by making this public declaration, I'll have to stick to this promise. This is a difficult vow to make, let alone, KEEP in a City of Food like Los Angeles.
I will try to get out to my local farmers market this weekend and pick up some farm-fresh produce. After eating all that heavy food during Passover, it's finally time to lighten up.
I leave you for the weekend with some of my favorite fast-food treats from restaurants around the City.
Since it is spring and we're eating lighter, I am going to make a concentrated effort to eat more veggies and fruits, less red meat and more fish and chicken. I suppose by making this public declaration, I'll have to stick to this promise. This is a difficult vow to make, let alone, KEEP in a City of Food like Los Angeles.
I will try to get out to my local farmers market this weekend and pick up some farm-fresh produce. After eating all that heavy food during Passover, it's finally time to lighten up.
I leave you for the weekend with some of my favorite fast-food treats from restaurants around the City.

Jumbo Jim & Suzy-Q's @ Dolores's
Fried Chicken @ Pann's
If at all possible after that orgy of food photos, have a great and healthy weekend!
Labels: Food, Los Angeles
STOP!!! You are making me forget all about my Lean Cuisine lunch and crave In-N-Out.....
I think my cholesterol just shot up about 3000% from reading your post. It all looks so delicious though!
Soooooooo hungry!
I've been buying about 50% (maybe more) of our food at the Hollywood farmer's market. It really is easy to eat well when you have nothing but veggies and whole grains in the house! (We also keep beans, tofu, and chicken, but no red meat or dairy most of the time.)
OMG that all looks so delicious! I would love some fried chicken right now.
Christine G.
You are positively evil for showing all that. Man, I want a corn dog right now. And some Zankou. Oooo, and those onion rings.
Fun blog!! I found your site today and bookmarked it. Will definitely be coming back. I grew up in LA and now live in Orange County. All that food is making me hungry..
Sounds like a good resolution to me! There are TONS of restaurants in Los Angeles that you can enjoy while eating "healthy" foods. Even some of those places you love have yummier options that don't include the bad stuff. Zankou has decent falafel (and we all know it's all about the garlic sauce there, anyhow...), Taco Plus certainly has something veggie... though maybe you're SOL at Hot Dog on A Stick.
Anyhow, for every door that closes, a new one opens. It's a culinary adventure!
You listed some of the best places in LA -- my stomach is now growling.
Actually many of those places do have some healthy choices. And, there is nothing wrong with a small cream puff every now and again (I really recommend their strawberry ones!)
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