Granny Goodness

You know that I've always said, Granny Squares are the building blocks to fashion. Well, granny squares and all other types of squares can also be the building blocks to love. I'm so proud of my friends of the West Hollywood Stitch 'n Bitch in addition to members of the Santa Monica Fairview Knitters for contributing squares for two beautiful comfortghans for Frank and Oliver.
The other day, angelic messengers Carla and Natalie gifted Frank and Oliver with the completed afghans. You can read about it on everyone's blogs.
For Frank's summer vacation, he battled cancer. It was a grueling way to spend vacation, but Frank is now cancer free! Congratulations to Frank, his family and friends for continuing to give him support throughout this ordeal.
Natalie came up with the idea of making the afghan. We quietly asked members of the WeHo SnB to contribute squares. The response was amazing! We had so many squares that we even had enough for a mini-ghan for Frank's little boy, Oliver. Once we had collected the squares, I began to edge them. The core group of my Krewe, the Knit Grrrrlz came over one Sunday and we commenced to crocheting the squares together. Brit also showed up and entertained us and gave us moral support. Thanks so much to everyone that helped with the blankets. Click on the various photos below for captions.
Labels: yarny stuff
YAY! Frank loved it.
Thanks Ellen for all your squares, putting out the word, all the edge work, and teaching us how to put it together. We couldn't have done it without you! You ROCK!!!
We did something nice, and we got so much out of it.
A beautiful gesture for a very deserving friend.
And Ellen, YOU DO ROCK!
I loved reading everyone's blog about the beautiful afghan. You all did a wonderful job.
Christine G.
Ellen, You have such a wonderful SnB group. You're very is Frank!
The WeHo SnBers are splendiferous people who take niftiness to a whole new level! Thanks for sharing this post and also the news that Frank is cancer free! I hadn't been by to see his blog in a bit. That's such great news. :-)
What a wonderful thing to do and the blanket is gorgeous!
It's absolutely beautiful and Frank loves them! Thank you ladies for organizing and putting together this wonderful gift. I had so much fun knitting squares for it and was honored to be included in my final days at the WeHo SNB! Miss you all!
What a beautiful blanket and what a lovely gesture. Fabulous!
You Knit Grrlz rock hard! Lovely thing for y'all to do for Frank and his family.
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