More Walkin'

I always take my camera when I walk in the morning near my house. I've seen some interesting things, like these super-trimmed cypress trees, above. I especially like the tree on the left with the little top-knot.
There's a house that must have been hit hard in the past. There's more security here than I've seen in some banks: Double bars, a security system and barbed wire on the other side of the house, near the driveway. Not to mention, the front yard also has some evil-looking garden gnomes. I'll snap those on my next walk.

My fave photo of all is this forgotten lunch container near a worksite. Yummmmm....filet of fish!

Our construction project is progressing nicely. The forms are all up and we'll hopefully pour the concrete for the foundation on Saturday!
Labels: At Home, Los Angeles
You must be so excited to see this progress! Can't wait to see the various stages to follow!
The work looks great.
Be careful taking pictures of those gnomes. They maybe security gnomes and they are bad ass. You don't want to mess with them. That house reeks of paranoia. Definitely have firearms buried in the backyard. They are taking your picture to be sure. Probably think you are casing the house in the mornings with your walking and picture taking. Watch yourself. You'll have to bust out your best spy tactics. Maybe the camera pen or chapstick pen.
Wish I were completely joking but I knew someone with loads of security & guns. Highly paranoid. If he could have had security gnomes he would have hired them but they can turn on you. Bad gnomes are super bad.
I like the way the shovels have gathered together under the canopy.
Ooooo....yeah! Progress is good! Thanks for the comments, everyone.
OK, Natalie...I'll be super-careful of the security gnomes. I'll do some research in my Nancy Drew library!
great great cypress shot.
We had a house like that on our block once. The SWAT teams arrival one day help to explain the situation. They were drug dealers from Columbia.
I'm with careful!! Could be al Quaeda!!
Christine G.
Christine G beat me to it, i was gonna say that super secured house reminds me drug lords' houses in the movies.
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