
This weekend at the Egyptian Theater, it's a Sunset Strip extravaganza! The show is called "Riot on the Sunset Strip Vol. II: Slight Return (To 1966)" From the website: Author and man-about-town Domenic Priore brings together the roots of Hollywood night life and their eventual tumble into bohemia, folk-rock and the invention of the psychedelic music scene... created here in L.A., folks, not in San Francisco, London or New York. We're going on Friday, possibly Sunday too for Frank Zappa's "Uncle Meat". Groovy.

Looking forward to the new movie, "Julie and Julia"? Well, catch the real deal at the Paley Center for Media in Beverly Hills...interviews and old shows with Julia Child. I think that casting Meryl Streep in the title role was truly inspired.
The 33rd Annual Festival of the Chariots is this Sunday in Venice
Beach. It's an amazing array of East Indian dancing, art, food and crafts. The parade starts at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium at 10 am and parades it's way down to the Beach toward Ocean Front Walk Plaza at Venice Beach.

We've got an open house at Audrey's and Jeff's to attend on Saturday. I'll be bringing some homemade macaroon cookies. I might just tint a few pink for fun! Sunday afternoon, the Sometimes Sunday group is meeting again to get our crochet and knit on!
Have a marvy weekend!
Labels: Art, Blog Stuff, Friends, Los Angeles, yarny stuff
One of the things, to me, that makes Meryl Streep such as amazing actress is that she's so versital. She can play any role, mimick any dialect perfectly! She is one of my fav's and I can't wait to see this movie.
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