I've completed my assignment of crocheting 100 granny squares and sending them out to my Ravelry group for the Granny McPhee project. Phew! I wanted to get this over quickly so I could enjoy RECEIVING squares from everyone else! The squares are rollin' in. I love getting those puffy envelopes in the mail. Some of the packages received include recipes, tea, candy and more.

Squares Received with Extra Gifties

I started out joining four squares together then crocheting a few rounds as a border for each section. I like this version of a granny afghan.

I have progressed steadily over the past month. I think three more sections for the length will complete this afghan. Now I have to decide on a border for the entire piece. Shall it be lacy like this one? Shall it be simple like this one? Should I create something entirely new? Decisions!
I'm thinkin' that I might have more squares than I'll need for this afghan. Maybe I'll work on a project like the one below. You just can't have too many granny squares in one room....or can you?

Granny Square Lampshade by Sarah London
Labels: Art, At Home, Fashion, yarny stuff
You really are making progress. It must be hot and heavy working on that! I think you will have too many squares if you are getting 100 as well. I love the lacy border. Whatever you do I am sure it will be great. BTW, love that lamp shade.
I think a scalloped/shell border is cute (maybe too cute for you?)And that lampshade is fantastic!!! Perfect for your guest room. Have you seen this?
Good idea Suzette. I do like a simple scalloped border. I'll try it when I'm done with the afghan.
Oh yeah! I did see the Granny Square room. It's the back photo in this month's "Interweave Crochet." Whoa!!!
That afghan is turning out beautifully. I agree, a simple scalloped border would look wonderful on it. Lots of soul in that afghan!
You need that granny lamp shade. Love it!
wow, miss a few days of Ellen and a whole fabulous afghan appears! That is pretty wonderful. I vote for the Babette style edge.
also,having stayed over in the casa de crochet (sweet dreams!) I believe you can not have too many granny squares.Go for it.
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