Souvenir Yarn
Souvenir yarn does not count as stash yarn. Stash yarn is yarn that you have at home, organized and waiting to be made into beautiful yarny projects. This is your workhorse, everyday yarn. Here is a dandy explanation of one crafter's stash yarn. Souvenir yarn may become stash yarn eventually, but because you bought it while on vacation, it's special. While we were in Honolulu, I stopped by YarnStory. This is a sweet little shop, located on King Street, upstairs in an office building. There is no sign on the door in the parking lot. You can see a sign in the window if you look up from the street. Once you get to the second floor, a very small sign is next to the room number.

The store is fully stocked with every type of yarn you'd find in any high-end yarn shop on the Mainland. I did manage to find some cotton/rayon yarn, hand-dyed in Hawaii. It's special.

I also purchased a lovely skein of Malabrigo Sock Yarn called "Turner" in gorgeous shades of olive green and purple. I'm not positive what I will make with these souvenir yarns, but for now, they are sitting in a bowl on the coffee of art to admire.
I also purchased a lovely skein of Malabrigo Sock Yarn called "Turner" in gorgeous shades of olive green and purple. I'm not positive what I will make with these souvenir yarns, but for now, they are sitting in a bowl on the coffee of art to admire.
Special Sale Yarn: Last Saturday i was hanging out with Gale Zucker, driving her to various appearances around soggy, wet and rainy Los Angeles. We started out at the El Segundo Slipt Stitchers Guild where Gale gave a lecture on how to photograph your yarny items. The lecture was in terms that everyone could understand. We learned some great tips and tricks!
Yarn Photo Workshop, 14th Street, Santa Monica
Needless to say, I happened upon some gorgeous Punta yarn from Uruguay with many shades of green and blue. I had to buy two sale skeins! I will consider this souvenir yarn and place it in the bowl on my coffee table next to my vacation yarn until it speaks to me.
Later, that evening, Gale, Larry and I had dinner at Cafe Brasil, next door to Gale's adorable boutique hotel, Villa Brasil.
Next stop, Wildfiber in Santa Monica. Here, Gale was teaching an actual photo workshop. It also happened to be St. Patrick's Day. All yarn in the shop with any hint of green in it was 25% off the regular price! I helped Gale set up for her class, then I was free to roam the shop while she was teaching.
Needless to say, I happened upon some gorgeous Punta yarn from Uruguay with many shades of green and blue. I had to buy two sale skeins! I will consider this souvenir yarn and place it in the bowl on my coffee table next to my vacation yarn until it speaks to me.
I wonder if Gale managed to find any souvenir yarn during her trip to California?
Labels: Art, Fashion, Friends, Los Angeles, Travel, yarny stuff
Souvenir yarn is like broken cookies. The calories don't count, you know.
Renee :)
You certainly purchased some gorgeous yarn, Ellen!
I regret to say I managed to come home with zero souvenir yarn--a big FAIL ! Although I'm not much of a stasher, I support the souvenir yarn theory. I was too busy teaching & booksigning at Wildfiber to shop, and then the same thing happened at Loop & Leaf up in Santa Barbara. Thanks for this wonderful post & for the great company & chauffeuring, Ellen. I guess I need to come back and shop, right?
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