Today, March 30, 2017 would have been my Dad's 98th birthday. He passed away in 2004 at the age of 85, a life well-lived. I hear his voice whisper to me on a daily basis.
George, 1926, Boyle Heights, L.A. |
George, 1932, Scout Camp, Griffith Park |
Major George E. Bloom, 1942, U.S. Army |
1960 in his office at the George-Paul Company, WLA |
George, 1984, Marina del Rey |
George, 1999, Del Rey Yacht Club |
Dad introduced me to all kinds of art and architecture, the historical aspects of our beautiful City of Los Angeles and he taught me how to sail. I learned so many things from my Dad, especially how to treat others, how to get along and how to manage my life. I'm forever grateful to him. Thanks for all the valuable knowledge and love. Happy Birthday, Pop!
Labels: Architecture, Art, family, Los Angeles, Vintage Photos
Well said Ell. I think of him every time I use one his tools, which is every day. I hear him telling me how to use the tools and sometimes it's like he's looking over my shoulder. Some of those tools are no longer available and that makes them even more special. Happy birthday Pop!
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