Thursday, December 31, 2020

Quiet New Year's Eve

Cartoon by Roz Chast

Oh yes, it's going to be a very quiet New Year's celebration at the Bloom - Underhill home.  Larry and I usually go out to a movie and catch an early dinner at a local coffee shop...nothing fancy. Then, we visit our next door neighbors, Rosina and Nic, to toast in the New Year on the EAST coast, which is 9pm here. By 10, we're back home, nodding off in front of the TV. Scintillating.

Our celebration will be even less scintillating this year, due to the Covid-19 restrictions. We all have to stay home. All of the restaurants are closed. The movie theaters are closed. Every place of celebration is closed. 

Oh well, we have plenty of lovely memories to warm our hearts!

2016 with Rosina and Nic

2019 with Audrey, Jeff, Rosina and Nic

We might venture outside to the driveway at 9pm to see if anyone is shooting off fireworks.  At that time we will wave to Rosina and Nic, next door and wish them a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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