Wig Night

OMG!!! Wig Night at the WeHo SnB was faboo to the maximum utmost!!! Thanks to everyone for
bringing snacks, decorations and your wig-hats!! I've been
downloading photos like crazy. Since BLOGGER has not been behaving too well, I will post the photos on my website.

Mr. Larry showed up wearing my everyday wig. He looked like an old Brit Rocker. He set up a seamless backdrop and started clicking headshots of everyone. It was really fun. We barely got any knitting done...we had so much fun taking photos of each other! Later in the evening we started switching wigs! Larry, of course got waaaaay into this. He was acting like various rockers with each different wig! It was really fun. Thanks to Natalie for thinking of this idea and organizing the Fun and Fabulous Wig Night!!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
P.S. Feel free to 'grab' any pix you'd like to use on your own blog! Check out Sachi's Flickr site and Crazy Aunt Purl's post for more great pix of the WeHo SnB Wig Night.
Labels: yarny stuff
I like how Sara looks nekkid :-)
last night was just too much! I can't wait for the next theme night! post more picts... please :)
I would LOVE to ask Mr. Larry for permission to use his lovely pictures to embarrass the hell out of myself. Bloody fantastic!
Wow! You guys have way too much fun. That is too cool.
I wish I could have gone!
Last night was so much fun! I just felt bad that I was one of the wigless. Please thank Mr. Larry for the excellent pictures, and I'm so glad you liked my gingersnaps!
I too was one of the wigless, and Mr. Larry was sooooo gracious about it. You guys are the best. He's so lucky to have you and vice versa. What fun!!!
Thanks for sharing.
Awesome pictures Mr.Larry took! Can't wait to do it again. Yay SnB!
Thursday night was fantastic!! Even with the Farmer's Market lady police. (She was actually very nice...as were we!) Love the photos.
Awww, look at how great you all look!!!!
so no one wore one of the wigs from knitty a few issues ago? I have always wanted an excuse to wear one. No one in the elvis wig pattern? (where did I see that last...)
Anne! There are several pictures on my website (www.picturetrail.com/ellblo) of Annika wearing her green Hallowig (from the Knitty pattern). Also, Cory is wearing a yarn-inspired wig too. There are photos of both yarnies together on my website as well as on Sachi's and Laurie's. Audrey was threatening to make the Elvis wig, but it just didn't happen....maybe next time!
I love the idea of wig night, might copy this for a party. I especially love the electric blue one!
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