Two vegetable stands and the old pharmacy are gone. I suppose the F. Mkt. is getting away from being a farmer's produce market. Starbucks and Pinkberry are chainstores located inside the old F. Mkt. It was the end of an era when The Grove was built next door. The Grove is full of chain stores. At least the individuality of the architecture at the Original F. Mkt. remains intact.There are numerous restaurants inside the F. Mkt. Since I'm there at least twice a week, I frequent many of them. My favorites are Pampas Grill, Mr. Marcel, Singapore's Banana Leaf, Magees Kitchen and Phil's Deli. This week, I'll be dining solely on Pinkberry for dinner. Join me? 
Meet Me @ 3rd & Fairfax, early 1950's
Labels: Los Angeles
Will you be dining tomorrow, Thursday? Name the time.
Hey Molly!!
I'll definitely be having a Pinkberry tomorrow during the WeHo SnB!!! Not sure what time I'll be there....traffic, you know. I'll come upstairs first, leave my tote and we can descend upon the pinkberriness together!!!
NO. I'm morally and philosophically opposed to anything chain at the FM. Really. PB should be at the Grove, with all the other tragically hipsters.
I have to say that I have eaten waaaaay too much Pinkberry in the past year. In fact the chain has single-handedly reintroduced Coco Pebbles into my diet.
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