Everyone in the Pool
It's about pooling! I absolutely L*O*V*E variegated yarn. The problem: At times the colors pool, leaving large areas of one color when I want that mixed up sketchy look of variegated yarn. Darn yarn.

Pooling Lace
I decided to stick with the gull lace pattern on my Lipstick February Lady Sweater instead of using a garter stitch/slip stitch pattern. The yarn started to pool in the lace pattern. It's not too bad, but the gull lace pattern doesn't show up too well. It's rather busy. On the advice of knit maveness, Princess Leah, I've added in another skein o' yarn, alternating between skeins every two rows. Hope this helps the pooling. We'll see.
Labels: yarny stuff
*splash, splash, splash* Oooh pool boy, get me a mojito, will ya? That's a good lad.
Wha--?! Oh, yes, erm, where was I? Uh. Yeah.
Keep on keepin' on, Ellen. I'm sure the cardigan will turn out fine. Those colors are so beautiful, that I don't think the pooling really matters!
I agree with Judy. I think it's going to look great no matter what!
I'm itching to start on my FLS now... :)
Some more advice from the maven, lace patterns never show up well in varigated yarn. That is not a reason not to knit in those yummy colors, just know, the color will always overwhelm the pattern.
So far it's looking great to me!
Princess Leah
Thanks, Leah....Yeah, I know about knitting complicated patterns in variegated yarn. That's why I was considering using more garter with a purled slip stitch for the body of this sweater. HOWEVER, the lace was intoxicating and I love the drape of lace. Oh well!
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