Vintage Photo Friday - Prom Night

Cut-Out Polaroid of Ellen in Prom Dress
Beverly High Today, Century City Looming in the Background
In those years, they didn't serve dinner at the Prom, just punch and soft-drinks, so there were always pre-parties.
After the Luau we went to a pre-prom party at my friend, Dianna's house. Her house was at the intersection of Rexford, Beverly Drive as both those streets feed into Coldwater Canyon. The house is still there, vastly remodeled. A bunch of us carpooled down to the historic Beverly Hills Hotel for the Prom.

Campus Couple, Kelly & Ellen

On a cool May evening in 1970, my date, Kelly picked me up in his 1957 Chevy Bel-Air. It was a two-tone model, aquamarine and white....very cool. I was in band and orchestra because my two best girlfriends, Leah and Shayne wanted me to join. That's where I met Kelly. He was the leader/drum major of the band. Kelly played trumpet, was sweet and truly a nice guy. We met again years later at our 20th high school reunion. He'd become an LAPD officer and was still handsome and genuinely a great guy. If I hadn't just become engaged to the love of my life. Mr. Larry, maybe Kelly and I would have reunited.
Kelly took me to the Luau Restaurant in Beverly Hills for a PuPu Platter and some exotic non-alcoholic drinks. The Luau Restaurant was a classic tiki-style Polynesian restaurant in Beverly Hills. One of actress, Lana Turner's husbands owned the place, Steve Crane. By 1970, the glow had worn off somewhat and the place closed a few years later. Going to the Luau, pre-prom was a tradition at Beverly High.

The Exotic Luau Restaurant, Beverly Hills

Of course, the Crystal Room was magical...all sparkling chandeliers, pink tablecloths and red carpet. I don't remember the band, but I do remember that we had a great time dancing like crazy. After the Prom, my date, Kelly, my best friend, Leah and her date Jamie headed down to Santa Monica Beach to "watch the submarines race." Like I said, it was an enchanted evening.
Other fond memories of Senior year was our trip to that other enchanted place, Disneyland! It was really fun going there with a group!

Kelly, Ellen, Jon, Debbie
resting our tired Disney feet!
Disneyland, Canoe Ride

Ellen, 4th from left, back row getting splashed!

My senior year at Beverly was a truly wonderful one. I made many good friends that I'm still in touch with. We had lots of laughs, carefree fun and made some big plans for the future. Some of those plans worked out, some didn't. Thanks so much for the memories. I look forward to seeing you all in 2010 for our 40th reunion! Yikes!
Labels: Fashion, Friends, Los Angeles, Memories, Vintage Photos
Oh my, what a lovely couple - you are beautiful. It's a good thing you didn't wear red or pink or burgundy with that photo backdrop!! Those were great days, weren't they?
Beth O.
You two look so classy in black and white against the red background. Kelly is very cute. I love that you met in band and that he drove a Chevy Bel Air. Very cool. The Luau looks awesome. It makes me miss Trader Vics. I love your Disney pics too. It looks like you had a fun group of friends. Of course you have a camera around your neck.
My mom told me I was conceived at the submarine races. Funny, huh?
You have such gorgeous pictures from high school!
Christine G.
What wonderful pictures of a magical evening! Thanks for sharing Ellen!!
Oh my gosh! How cute!!! Thanks for sharing!
wonderful post, Ellen!
Hee hee - my prom was at the Beverly Hills Hotel too. But your date had a much cooler car than mine!
Love the photos and the story! Your dress looks very cool!
That was a fun post, Ellen. Only you would have gone to a tiki lounge for senior prom, isn't it nice to know you had excellent taste so early?Love the photos.
You look beautiful, Ellen! I like your gown, too. I want you to have one last hurrah with your 1970's long hair. It looks so lush at Disneyland. In return, I'll revisit my cornrows. LOL.
Everything about your prom night sounds like so much fun!
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