"Fork" in the Road

A few weeks ago I met up with Mary Jo for lunch in South Pasadena. I wanted to see her before she left on her trip to Turkey. M.J. has been keeping us posted thru e-mails, her blog and her flickr account about her journey. It sounds like she's having a fantastic time.
We met at Abuelita's knit and needlepoint shop on Mission Avenue. Our friend, Regina was teaching a knit clas while we browsed thru the yarns, magazines and books. After chit-chatting with Regina for a bit, we wandered down the block to Buster's Coffee and Ice Cream Shop for lunch. Mary Jo told me that Buster's carries Fosselman's ice cream. Fosselman's in Alahambra is famous. One day, I'll get over there, but I was glad I could try their ice-cream at Buster's. We split a yummy sandwich and each had a scoop of ice-cream. Delish!

A couple days before going to South Pasadena, I'd heard about this fork sculpture on a traffic island in South Pasadena. The story of the fork is here. We drove up Pasadena Avenue and just after Glenarm at St. John Avenue, there's a fork in the road, literally! I hope Pasadena keeps the fork. I love it!

What's your favorite bit of city sculpture?
Labels: Art, Fashion, Food, Friends, Los Angeles, yarny stuff
That is one helluva fork in the road. I love it!
Ellen! I LOVE that fork sculpture. You have such interesting street things where you live.
I kinda liked the angel sculptures they did a while back in downtown (not very high-brow of me, huh?!) The cows not so much.
I like the Free Stamp in Cleveland!! Quite cool!
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