Bloom Moonchldren

My cousins, Amie and Barbara and I are all Moonchildren. Our birthdays range from June 30th to July 20th. When we're in Los Angeles at the same time, we like to celebrate.

Last Sunday we went over to Aunt Frances' and Uncle Mort's house at the beach for a Sunday afternoon tea party. Barbara prepared a lovely feast of little sandwiches, cakes, cookies, fresh fruit, champagne and of course, tea!

I made some cotton spa cloths for Barbara and grouped that with fancy bath stuff and a large oilcloth zippered pouch.

MaHong's birthday was last month, but since she and Barbara live in New York and I rarely get to see them, I brought MaHong a belated gift of a small oilcloth pouch and some Russian nesting dolls....Matroushka.

This was a special birthday for Amie, so I crocheted the Sea Shell Wrap for her. I used some cotton crepe yarn I had in my stash. You can see the Ravelry details here. I also gifted her with a darling little oilcloth backpack!

We all had a grand time!
Labels: At Home, family, Los Angeles, yarny stuff
Looks like you had a wonderful time!!
Oh, very deserving recipients of your oilcloth adventures! They each look *very* pleased with their gifts. Well done!
I love a good triple b-day celebration. My that MaHong is getting big.
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