Kindle Cover
I was presented with some gift cards over the holidays by my employers. I decided that it was high time I joined the 21st century and bought a Kindle. I've really been enjoying reading fiction again. I like how I can alter the size of the print and the font on the page. The Kindle is light and very easy to use. The best thing, there's no limit on how long it takes me to read a book, I don't have to return it to the library and I don't have to clutter my bookshelf.
I wanted to live with the Kindle a bit before I purchased a cover for it. In the meantime I've been protecting my latest gadget in a perfectly sized Crown Royal pouch! After much research, I decided to crochet one in sturdy 100% virgin acrylic yarn.
I chose a variegated and two solid color yarns. Crocheting 3 strands held together with a size "I" hook, has made this one rugged fabric! The stitch pattern is the crocheted granite stitch. I'm still formulating the closure and top portion of the cover. Stay tuned.
I wanted to live with the Kindle a bit before I purchased a cover for it. In the meantime I've been protecting my latest gadget in a perfectly sized Crown Royal pouch! After much research, I decided to crochet one in sturdy 100% virgin acrylic yarn.

I chose a variegated and two solid color yarns. Crocheting 3 strands held together with a size "I" hook, has made this one rugged fabric! The stitch pattern is the crocheted granite stitch. I'm still formulating the closure and top portion of the cover. Stay tuned.
Labels: yarny stuff
Love it Ellen! I love gadgets as much as the next person, but I have no interest in purchasing a Kindle, Nook or any other digital reader at the moment. I've made a list of pros and cons, and so far the cons are outweighing the pros. I just love having a book in my hands. Call me old-fashioned. I don't mean to be such a downer on them; I'm glad you're enjoying yours. I do see the advantages of having one though. Never say never! :) (How long do the batteries last?)
Yay! Welcome to Happy Kindle Land!
I still use my Kindle every day, just can't get enough of it. Be sure to try the "read to you" feature, that's actually very good.
I was old-fashioned too, Susan, but I finally succumbed. I think the battery lasts for about 3 years.
Thanks, Heather! I'm reading more and crocheting less!
Looks good! I got a kindle for Christmas and making a cover is on my list of things to crochet.
Looks great so far - love the colors. :)
LOVE my Kindle!! The battery life is great. I rarely need to charge it and use it almost daily.
Now on to the cover....I think you are the only person I know that would decide that they should crochet the cover!! How resourceful are you?! I of course bought one when I had the thing delivered.
I love the cover! My 16 year old got an e-reader for Christmas and has asked for me to make her a cover as well. I will be waiting to see what you do with the closure. I like the way this is goin. She loves her e-reader and has already used the gift card she recieved and she has decided to try some of the free books on amazon and google books.
The new cover is perfect. I love the colors and can't wait to see the finished cozy with your kindle all nestled up.
Damn good idea!!! Although the Crown Royal bag works pretty well, too!
Great! Now you have a day time and a night time cover for when the mood strikes ;)
Oh I absolutely love it...are you going to post a pattern for it? I bought my mom a kindle for her bday as her eyesight is starting to fail her and she hasn't been able to read for a while and she loves it!!! That would be so cool to make for her!
Debbie :)
Perfect, and so Ellen. The button is just the right touch for it. I saw that our library was lending pre-loaded Nooks out, I might give that a try to see if I'm ready for a kindle. (I think I wasn an iPad more).
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