Vintage Photo Friday
My grandfather (Sam Katz) had a sister, Kate. Above are Kate, her husband Ben Glazer and their children, Harry, Abe, Pearl and Meyer (not in order, pictured above). I'll need help from the New Orleans cousins to identify the children.
We have a branch of my mother's family in New Orleans, Louisiana. I've known about this branch of my grandfather's family all of my life. I've met a few of my cousins in the past, but recently, due to the wondrous internet, we've come in closer contact with this off-shoot of the family.
I remember meeting Abe Glazer and his wife, Ida in the late 1960's. They visited Los Angeles a few times and my parents visited them in New Orleans. Abe was in the clothing business and, at the time, my Dad was in the mannequin business. Abe and George used to see each other at trade shows once in awhile. I remember meeting one of Abe's and Ida's daughters, Marlene, when she visited Los Angeles with a girlfriend during the same era. I'm now in contact (thru Facebook) with Marlene's nephew, Jeffrey. One of these days, we'll all meet up, I'm sure!

Above, another photo from the 1920's of the Glazer children in New Orleans. I see a sign on the building across from the park with a sign that says, Bonart. Could this be close to Sam Bonart Park in New Orleans?
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Remember to ask the elders in your family about your long, lost relatives while you have the chance!!
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Remember to ask the elders in your family about your long, lost relatives while you have the chance!!
Labels: family, Memories, Vintage Photos
You have such a rich and wonderful family history Ellen! Isn't it amazing how the growth of social networking has made it possible for us to connect/reconnect with people? Too bad it wasn't around when we were younger - things would have been so different, but I guess that's true about anything associated with progress. Thanks for sharing - I love reading and seeing your posts about family - they truly are special! ♥
Oh my god, I have long lost relatives in New Orleans, too! My grandmother (on my mother's side) was born there and one of her brothers stayed behind when the rest of the family moved to St. Louis, MO. He had an oyster business. I have no idea who they are or what their names are. My grandfather was a draft dodger from Palermo, Sicily and arrived in the US via New Orleans. what a small world, huh?
The little girl in the white dress in the pix above is MY Mom, Pearl Glazer Horowitz. I was born in N.O. but moved to St. Louis MANY years ago - and couldn't help wondering the name of your relatives here.
Hi Joan,
Nice to hear from you. Since our cousin, Jason Katz, has been active in making a family time-line and putting us all together, it's been great to re-connect.
My mother, Sam Katz's daughter, Rosalyn Katz Bloom, has often talked about her cousin Pearl. I do believe Pearl visited the Katz family in Los Angeles quite often when they were teens. I'll see if I can find some photos from that era too.
RE: The Bonart sign in the picture. This is most likely an advertising sign painted on a building for Sam Boart's clothing stores on Poydras and Rampart. At one time Sam and family operated stores on 3 of these 4 corners. He was very benevolent and donated to multiple causes - across color lines. Yes, the park is named after him. He was my 2nd great uncle.
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