Today, Rhoda and I traveled over to Griffith Park and the Autry Museum to see their new exhibit, "Jews in the Los Angeles Mosaic." It was quite an interesting exhibit about how Jews have become a part of Los Angeles history. It's on view through January, 2014, so you have plenty of time to see it.
Rudolph Schindler, Architect |
Max Factor, Make-Up Man for Hollywood and Inventor |
Ruth Handler, Inventor of Barbie Doll and co-found of Mattel Toys |
Friend and Co-Worker, Steve Sass, leading a tour of the exhibit |
Rhoda had never visited this Museum before, so we wandered into the Western Heritage portion of the Museum to see the Cowboy artifacts, full of Gene Autry, Hopalong Cassidy and Roy Rogers memorabilia. Rhoda pretended she was 6 and climbed up on the mechanical horse to appear in a real western "movie!" So cute.
Rhoda, riding with her Posse through Monument Valley |
After the Museum, we had lunch at the Village Bakery and Cafe in Atwater Village. I ordered "Thanksgiving on a Bun." It was totally yummy! Thanks for a wonderful field trip, RhoRho!
Thanksgiving on a Bun! |
Labels: Architecture, Art, family, Food, Friends, Los Angeles, Memories, Vintage Photos
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