Two days of yarn crawling was about all I could handle. I must say that I bought more on Day Two than I did on Day One!
Friday Crawlers: Dommy, Mary, Francesca, Jennifer and Ellen |
We started out at Needlepoints West in Westchester. I've always like this little shop. Joanne carries high-end and more reasonably priced yarn as well as needlepoint canvas, embroidery floss and more. It's located in Westchester Village which is a cool little area and throwback to the 1960s.
Owner, Joanne with Dommy |
Francesca |
Jennifer |
Our next stop was The Knitting Tree in Inglewood where we met up with our fellow-crawler, Mary. The Tree had a "HollyWool" theme this year. Very clever!
Knitting Star Walk of Fame |
Famous Director, Christopher B. DeMille is giving Charlie Chaplin direction! |
Lenora "Louisiana" Jones |
Princess Leia Anetta of Yarnlandia |
I did some major wallet damage at The Knitting Tree. See yesterday's post for stash enhancement. The Tree just happens to be next door to The Sew Together Lounge, fabric shop extraordinaire. My bestie, Natalie happened to be working on Friday. She's such a good salesperson that she persuaded me to buy this fab test pattern fabric...a possible shirt for Mr. Larry.
Natalie and Ellen at Sew Together Lounge |
It was TIME FOR LUNCH! Dommy is the restaurant expert, so she directed us to Chubby Rice on El Segundo and Hawthorne in the City of Hawthorne for a most delicious and fresh Chinese lunch!
We decided to drive to our furthest yarn shop, which was Jennifer Knits South Bay in Torrance. Previously, this was Concepts in Yarn. Jennifer took over the shop and fashioned it very much like her shop in Brentwood. The Torrance store has been remodeled into a large, open space.
Jennifer Knits South Bay has tons of embroidery thread! |
Our final stop was one of our favorite shops, Twist Yarns of Intrigue in Manhattan Beach. Owner, Kathy, dyes her own yarns and is really an artist! Cathy's other half just happens to be my ol' grammar school and high school friend, Steve! It's always fun seeing both of them. The shop was packed and full of yarny goodness!
Steve and Cathy at Twist |
Cathy's Hand-Dyed Yarns |
Exhaustion time. We headed back to Inglewood to pick up Mary's car and decided to stop for a refresher at Three Weavers Brewing, located in the same complex as The Knitting Tree and Sew Together Lounge. How convenient!
Francesca and Dommy at Three Weavers Brewing |
Jennifer, Mary, Ellen |
This was the perfect way to top off a successful yarn crawling day!
Labels: Art, Fashion, Food, Friends, Los Angeles, yarny stuff
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