Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Everything is Blue and White!

Notice the lovely, hand-crocheted afghan over the back of the couch

We're finally done moving Mom to her new apartment at Palm Court. Next stop, back to the apartment in Westwood to clear it out. Yeah, this is one great vacation. NOT.
Mom's all about everything LOOKING good. Her family motto is: "It's better to look good than feel good." I've known this all my life. It's not MY motto, but I respect her beliefs. For this reason, I made sure that we took everything from her apartment in Westwood that was blue and white. I knew this combination would look great in her new, bright Culver City place.
Larry is extremely resourceful and the BEST moving facilitator EVER! Between the two of us, we managed to organize, weed out the extra stuff and decorate the place with Mom's belongings. We still have a few items to bring over, but basically, we're done!
My favorite husband and Mom

The view from Roz's balcony of the historic tower at Vet's Auditorium and the Culver City Senior Center
It will take Mom a few weeks to get used to the routine at Palm Court and to find out where things are located, like the dining room, but once she figures it out, I hope she's happy there.

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