Happy Birthday Mr. Larry

Larry, 9th Grade , Sherman Oaks, CA

Today is Larry's birthday. Much like last year, Larry is taking the day off from his freelance photo duties and visiting The Getty and The Skirball Museums to see their current photo exhibits.
Later, we're going to dinner at a new restaurant in our neighborhood, then to an art opening. The celebration will continue throughout the weekend!
I leave you with a photo essay of Larry this past year. Happy Birthday, Darling!

Rockin' Larry

Jaunty Larry

Larry with his movie friends

Larry w/ Dan, Look-Alike Acquaintance
Jollibee and Larry
Larry with Painted Look-Alike
Creature Larry
Summertime Larry
What a Doll!
Labels: Los Angeles
Happy birfday Mr. Larry-man!
Happy Birthday to Mr. Larry! I'd sing, but it might scare him....and I love your p.123 meme answer!
Happy Birthday Mr. Larry!
Happy Birthday Mr.Larry and wish you many more! Ellen give him a big hug for me.
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRFDAY, Mr. Larry!!! Hey - a new coo-bahn restaurant. You will HAVE to critique it for us (like we could stop you)!
Happy birthday, Mr. Larry! And many mmmooooorrreeee.
Aw. Larry is like fine wine.
Happy B-day, Mr. Larry!
hippo birdie two ewes, mr. larry!
Happy Belated Birthday Mr.Larry and call the next time you are at Skirball.
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