Ice Melts....Slowly

On Saturday Brit told us about this art performance downtown. After stopping at a few other openings, we headed down to the Arts District to see Parris Patton and friends melt and break the ice encasing an upright piano. This performance was preceded by a major study on how to do this. We received a program with copious notes subtitled "Notes on how to freeze a piano inside a huge block of ice."

When we arrived at around 8:30 pm, there was a crowd surrounding the ice piano. There were propane tanks with fired up hoses pointing toward the ice and melting it so that people with axes, picks, hammers, etc. could break away the ice more easily. Beethoven piano concertos were playing over the loud speakers, there was food, drink and bright lights. It was an unusually fun setting.

Larry and I met up with Brit, Hank, Amy, Stuart, T.K. and various other artsy cheerleaders watching this event. I ran into Joel Bloom (no relation) from Bloom's General Store. It's always nice to chat with another Bloom about Bloom-related things.

The event had to end at 10pm, due to L.A. City permit limitations. By 10:15 pm, the piano was becoming evident under the ice. Many people picked up weapons and pummeled the ice...even Mr. Larry! The crowd dispersed soon thereafter, and the huge block of ice was still there.

Addendum: Amy and Stuart dropped by on Sunday morning...the ice was still there. More of the piano was visible, but not entirely. Stay tuned for further developments.
Labels: Art, Los Angeles
That is the silliest thing I've ever seen.
What a blast!
Yes, Goils! It was silly and a blast all at the same time. This is what's known as Performance Art. Maybe it had something to do with global warming. was entertaining.
I LOVE the photo of the torching of the ice. It looks like a beautiful hell, if you know what I mean....
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