
Last night we all trekked out to Cousin Carolyn's and John's house in Valencia for our family Passover Seder. We've been holding our Seders at home for over 15 years. In the early days, when my Grandparents were alive, we always celebrated at Temple Beth Am on La Cienega near Olympic at the group Seder. My Grandfather was chairman of the Seder. I must say, celebrating at one of our homes is far more fun and delicious than celebrating with 250 people in the basement of the Temple!

My cousins and aunts and I all have our assignments for the group meal. Cousin Carolyn prepares the chicken, charosis (apple, wine & nut mixture), gefilte fish and of course readies her house for the event. Cousin Marilyn makes the matzoh ball soup, spinach souffle, brings the parsley and matzoh and the affikomen gift for the children. Auntie Roz supplies all of the heavy-duty plastic dishware and kosher wine. I am in charge of matzoh kugel, fruit compote and all of the ingredients for the ceremonial seder plates, including our revised and severely shortened version of the Hagaddah (the story of Passover), which we read before and after the meal. Much singing, praying, laughing and eating ensues. Auntie Mae brings dessert. It's always a hectic, but fun evening for all of the four generations involved.

Marvin, Larry, Phil, Liz

Hal, Mae, Marvin

Four Generations Celebrate Passover

Gefilte Fish with Carrots

Baby Avery likes the Matzoh Ball Soup

Chicken Marbella (top), Matzoh Kugel (bottom)

Spinach Souffle (top), Fruit Compote (bottom)


Marily and Larry

Dinner was Faboo


Apricot and Honey Cakes
If you'd like to know more about the Passover Seder, read about it here. Thanks to my whole family for contributing to our celebration. Happy Passover everyone!

Labels: At Home
Looks like a wonderful family celebration!
And *yum*.
Everything looks delicious!
That's it! I'm going to Seattle to find me some Matzo Ball Soup!!! OMG you made me so hungry.
Oh Sachi! Just buy the box of Manichewitz matzoh ball mix! It's delicious and easy too!
Ah, that brought back memories--I used to work at a supermarket in Holyoke and I would always have great conversations with the ladies when they were buying their Passover supplies. They'd tell me all about their recipes and sometimes I'd try a few things. I can still make a mean matzo ball soup!
Looks very tasty! Only thing missing is Spock Matzoh -
It's really cool now - they have lots of really nice Kosher wines out there. I always try to coax people away from the traditional Manischewitz...
Thanks for the compliments, everyone. Yes, the meal was delicious. can still prepare and enjoy matzo ball soup...any old time of the year!
Nicola! LOVE the Spock Matza...very cool. Yes, we had some great Kosher Wine at the Seder, but I wanted to take a photo of the classic Manischewitz. Trader Joe's is my Kosher wine source!
I was 'bout tortillas instead of matzah? They're unleavened. Discuss.
She looks GREAT!!!!
And the food looks totally yummy. I miss being a part of a Joosh family. :( Seder was always fun (although I had to be reminded EVERY year what it was all about!)
Is Mae a movie/tv star? Because she looks like one. As does Avery, what an angel.
You guys look like you had a great time.
AND, tortillas instead of matzah at Seder at YOUR house. Yes, I can see that. B/c that's how you roll. :)
that's a lot of food!!! so much preparation.
I don't celebrate Easter, so I've never thought about the types of food to serve or eat on the Easter days. But my boyfriend is Catholic and we're eating together today, so I have to make fish for supper. (because he's working afternoons and can't cook at work).
I don't cook fish very often.. this will be interesting! I'm going to try this recipe:,,FOOD_9936_23247,00.html?rsrc=search
and use my new MAGIC BULLET!
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