Fine Art - $19.99

While we were in Bakersfield this past weekend, we noticed a sign outside the Double Tree Hotel advertising a fine art sale on Sunday. We decided to stop and take a look. They were advertising fine art from as low as $19.99.

The subject matter of most paintings were landscapes from various locales around the world. Of course, there were also animal paintings, portraits, musicians, sports, etc. Some of the paintings were signed and actually OK. I think that most of the work was painted on a factory assembly line. One person paints the trunk of the tree, another paints the leaves, etc.

Needless to say, we didn't purchase any fine art, but we had fun viewing it.
They still have those sales?
I remember going to one with my mother when I was a kid. I can see that the quality of the artwork has not changed.
I don't think my mother bought anything, either!
Yikes. Clown art. BAD clown art. Run! Hide!
I love that you and Larry checked it out....
LOL! I've never been to one of those Art Sales, and thanks to you, I don't have to now. Was there any art on black velvet? Any Elvis? If not, how could they call themselves fine?
Great! Now I'm going to have nightmares of disembodied clown heads and hobo clowns on bi-planes.
I don't know how you could have resisted such priceless works of art. Call the Louvre. I suspect a heist.
I thought Elvis on velvet paintings were only sold on street corners...
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