Caron Simply Soft, Shadows
WIPs for the uninitiated are Works In Progress. I have many of these. I have yarn-attention-deficit-disorder, so I switch from one project to another. If I'm tired of crocheting, I switch to a knit WIP and vice-versa.
Remember the burgundy cardigan I crocheted awhile back? After wearing it a few times, I decided it was too bulky and that I didn't like it anymore. I ripped out as much as I could, to salvage the yarn, and started over. I've figured out that crocheted sweaters in knitting worsted weight are just too cumbersome for me. From now on, I'll crochet with DK or sock-weight for personal sweaters. However, I still like the top-down aspect of crafting sweaters because you can try them on as you go, checking for size. So, I knit the top of the current burgundy cardigan in garter stitch on size 10 needles. Now, I'm crocheting a lacy shell pattern for the body of the sweater along with a crocheted grid for the sleeves, using a size "G" crochet hook. I've been trying the sweater on and it looks much better than the previous one. I may add a collar and button band later....not sure.

There are a pile of various WIPs on our couch....eventually, I'll finish everything. Promise.
Labels: Los Angeles, yarny stuff
Nice redo, Ellen. I find it amusing that with all the yarn we have, we still unpick sweaters and reuse the yarn. Once in a while I will just give the unloved sweater away. But if I really loved the yarn, I redo it, too!
So pretty! Does the more open crochet make it more drapey? Hmm, I think it looks good as is with vintage pin/sans button band; more swing coat, less cardi in look.
Ellene! Yes, I unraveled this sweater, even though it's Caron yarn...relatively inexpensive. My parents grew up during the Great Depression...it must have rubbed off on me!
Madge! Thanks for the compliments. Yes, this particular crochet pattern (vertical in direction) makes it more drapey. I'll take your suggestions into consideration regarding button band, etc. Thanks!
I just love it, Ellen! I think it will drape beautifully.
Looks like it will be a perfect summer-into-fall sweater. Of course, here in LA that means Oct.-into-Feb, but oh well. I agree with Madge--looks great without a button band, I think that would make it too heavy in the front.
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