Malibu Pier

There was an article in the L.A. Times today about the rebuilding and revitalization of the Malibu Pier. Photographer, Larry Underhill, was recently in the area working on a photo assignment and snapped a few shots of the renovations. Larry reported that the buildings are clean, painted, repaired, empty and ready to be inhabited. 

According to the newspaper article, the Pier should be fully-staffed and ready for visitors by November. Perfect timing....all of the tourists will be gone and we can enjoy the Pier!

Nearby - Salsa Boy, Chicken Boy's Cousin
Photos by Larry Underhill
Labels: Los Angeles
I was about to say, Dang, Ellen sure is taking some spectacular photos these days, lol. Not that yours aren't great, but you know. Let's see Mr. Larry turn some crunchy acrylic into high fashion.
Oh, I hung out a LOT there in the 80s, before the storm took it out.
LOVED that restaurant that was on the end of the pier. :( Don't remember the name of it now.
It looks beautiful now!
Wasn't this where Alice's Restaurant was located? I remember (maybe correctly) that there was one here, and another in Westwood. Oh, I loved those old 70s places!!
The pictures are gorgeous. Love Salsa Boy! Arriba!
Yes, Alice's Restaurant was the main place on the Malibu Pier. We used to go there alot. We also loved the one in Westwood Village. I'm looking forward to seeing what restaurants and shops will move into the newly restored buildings on the Pier.
Gorgeous pictures (I like the first one bestest). It kinda reminds me of the Santa Barbara Pier, which, the last time I was there (a zillion years ago) was way nicer than the Santa Monica Pier. I think it has a lot to do with the # of tourists... Let's hope Malibu Pier keeps its sleepy beach town quality...
Nice photos! When I was a wee one, Salsa Boy was merely Burger Boy. He became Mexican somewhat later on...I forget the name of the burger stand, but I lived just a few doors down as a kid and often patronized the tiny toy store next door.
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