Holiday Cheer
Oh yeah! The holidays are here! Happy Chanukah everyone! Tonight is the 7th night of Chanukah. In my family, it's tradition to receive a small gift on the first and last nights. I've been scrambling around for gifties for tomorrow night! I attended my cousin, Amie's jewelry and craft sale on Sunday. There were so many beautiful items displayed. I ended up buying myself a gift!!! Isn't that always the case? You have every intention of buying gifts for friends and family, then end up buying yourself a goodie.

Crafty Casters Holiday Sale

Marilyn was there!

Cousin Amie

On Saturday we attended our first holiday party of the season at Nancy's house. It was so festive. Nancy's decorations were great! Everyone brought special dishes to share. I was most impressed by the Reindeer-Peanut Butter cookies (above); Jackson Pollack brownies and that divine Honey-Baked ham! Yum. I contributed my "secret recipe" mac 'n cheese. 
"Jackson PollacK" Brownies

I'm still working on holiday gifts for friends and family...crocheting and knitting away!
Labels: Los Angeles
Mmmmmm...for taste alone I think I'd want to try those Jackson Pollock brownies - I've never met a brownie I didn't like. But the reindeer cookies win the cute factor prize!
I love that necklace! I did the same thing at a friend's jewelry party and took home 3 for me, 1 for each of them. This is how I ensure I'll have a good Christmas; buy myself what I want (within reason).
Happy holidays, Ellen!
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