Ellen, Julie & Julia

My new title is "Sub-Mini Celebrity." I've been receiving Tweets, e-mails and phonecalls all morning. My 15 minutes of fame is due to the fact that L.A. Times reporter, Tiffany Hsu, e-mailed me yesterday after reading a few of my Tweets from last week about seeing the new movie, "Julie & Julia." After watching the movie at The Grove, courtesy of a Los Angeles Magazine preview screening, I immediately went to Barnes & Noble, next door to the theater, and bought Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." TIffany was writing an article about Julia Child mania – apparently the movie has caused people to rush out to buy her cookbooks and DVDs, etc. I gave Tiffany a call at her L.A. Times office, we chatted a bit about the inspiration of Julia and today I am a star.

I've been channeling Julia all week by wearing a string of pearls around my neck and my pearl earrings. In the movie, Julia (portrayed brilliantly by Meryl Streep) dressed in the 1950's Pasadena fashion....ladylike suits and dresses, hats, gloves and always pearls. I'm more inspired by Julia's wardrobe than I am by the recipes in her book. I've just been READING the cookbook and realizing that so many of the recipes are very involved. I'm more of a Trader Joe's cookbook kind of a cook, that's for sure. Once I have a bit of time, I'll probably delve into a few of Julia's scrumptious recipes. I was especially impressed by the Apple Tart Tatin in the movie.
Thanks, Nora Ephron for combining Powell's memoir "Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously" and Child's book, written with Alex Prud'homme, "My Life in France"...it made for a grand movie.
Labels: At Home, Blog Stuff, Fashion, Food, Los Angeles
You're a star!
The movie was great. I picked up MTAFC vol. 1&2 at an estate sale that you and Larry hipped me too a last year or so. The one on my street so it wasn't hard to get me there. lol.
I am going to be cooking today but all vegetarian with no butter in sight. Someday in the future the butter will be calling me back. I can hear it faintly calling in the distance.
So much more fun than my only appearance in the LA Times - back in 2003 or so, in a story about the last recession, featuring people who were overeducated and underemployed :)
Congrats Ellen! I saw the movie yesterday and promptly drove to Vroman's in Pasadena and bought "My Life in France" by Julia Child with Alex Prud'homme and another titled "Julia Child, a Life" by Laura Shapiro. I then came home and ordered the "American Masters: Julia Child" DVD from PBS and another bio "Appetite for Life: The Biography of Julia Child" by Noel Riley Fitch. I admittedly have Julia mania! I remember watching her on television in the 70s and had no idea of what an amazing womah she was. I LOVED the movie - Meryl Streep nailed it and Amy Adams was adorable.
Well we knew that was only a matter of time before you became a celebrity, I can just picture you with a talk show as you have the ability to put people at ease. I loved this movie as well and also bought a small book of hers, I will make the Beef Bourguignon as soon as the weather cools. Most of her recipes were not what I would eat - too rich. This film was so well done, I came to care about the characters.
Hi Ellen- I think you can now claim the title of "up and coming" sub-mini celebrity. Have you cooked any of Julia's recipes yet? I went home and ordered my copy from my hometown fav - Powell's.
It was fun to seeing you and Larry at the movie and again at B&N...then to read about it in the Times!! I feel so LA! xo Gretchen (friend of up and coming sub-mini celebrities)
Well Doll, aren't you just the coolest girl in town? Loved reading your quotes in the story - it made for interesting reading. I really must see the movie. I read both books it was based on - plus Julia is responsible for my best omelette recipes. Maybe we should do a Julia SnB where we all bring something from her cookbook - and we must all wear pearls.
Beth O.
Hey congrats you star you!
I haven't even seen the movie yet and have already been inspired to do more cooking. Ahhh if only for more time.
Do read her book, My Life in France. (Get the copy with the photo of Julia and Paul on the cover). It is funny and joyous, and all about living in Paris and Provence, not to mention cooking. Sweet.
Baby, you have always been a star. But it's good to have a little affirmation every now and again.
Uh, HI. Can we get a pic of you in the pearls?! I know you look FABOOO!
Thanks sooooo much for all the comments! We LURVE comments!
I like Beth's idea of having a "Julia Potluck 'n Pearls" party! Shall we have it in the fall at YOUR house?
Great story in the LA Times and movie. We saw it at the Grove and promptly went to Mr. Marcel Pain Vin et Fromage (or whatever it is called). I too vote to see you cookingin pearls!
I still have not found my copy of the book. Perhaps I gave it away in one of my many moves and purges as I knew I would not make anything out of it.
So cool! Way to go Ellen-Star!
I can't wait to get out and see the movie....too bad packing has to come first this week!
Congrats on being the lead of the article (I think it's actually lede but it always loooks so wrong). You're big time!! Saw the movie tonight-loved it but am not inspired to cook from the book or wear pearls but I'd sure like to live in her Paris apartment. Recently read both books, this was all a big treat.
Congrats Ellen! I can now tell people that I have a friend who's a star in LA!!
I can't wait to see this movie! Sadly, I'm going to have to wait until September before it's released here in the UK, but until it is, I'll be sure to wear my pearls every night whilst cooking dinner ;)
As already said - you have always been a star! Nice of someone else to notice though! I doubt we'll get that movie at my local theatre, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Actually I recently saw a copy of the LA Original Farmer's Market Cookbook - and THAT had me drooling! Someday....
My mother makes the buche de noel every year, you're right the recipes are involved, but this cake is scrumptious (to use a Julia word).
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