Spring Flowers
There are so many beautiful flowers blooming at our house. Thank you, winter rains! It's a joy to walk outside and see the bounty.
We have enough roses in our side yard to place bouquets throughout the house and even on my desk at the office!

Do you have flowers growing in your yard? What kind?
Labels: At Home, Los Angeles
They have gone poppy crazy around Cedars-Sinai, which I looove!
I wish...we have had so.much.rain!! But there are plenty of dandelions. Here in central Illinois the rule is not to plant until Mother's Day since the ground is still cold. My Mom loved poppies. Thanks for the pics! Gorgeous.
Hi Ellen,
I've been reading your blog for a while now, but have a question for you. ( pretty much unrelated to this post) Anyway, I used to be a member of the Los Angeles chapter of the Home Economists in Business ( HEIB) and I have stored some of their old notebooks for several years. I am moving and am wondering if you have any idea of where to donate these. I was thinking of the Food Historians group that meet (met?) at the Downtown Library, but thought I would ask your opinion. Thanks so much.
Hi Suzanne,
What is the nature of the information contained in your notebooks? Is it food related? Are there photos of L.A. restaurants, menus or other ephemera? Let me know some more details and maybe I can make some donation suggestions. E-mail me privately: ellblo@aol.com
Hi Ellen
Here in Australia (near the Dandenong Ranges, so comparatively mild), we're just heading into the middle of autumn. It's glorious! The garden here is a fair old mix of old-fashioned English, and soft, dusty Australian natives. There are thousands of plants (beautiful big block with two verandahs), but some of the stars of the show around this time of the year are...camellias, gum blossom, the autumn roses, and early daphne...not to mention the vegetable garden!
In passing, thank you so much for your lovely comment on my recent Noro effort. I never thought I'd evolve into a bohemian, shaded, earthy toned fibre fan, but so it seems to be. However, it's now time to use all my stash, no matter what shade, before indulging any further.
All the best!
I'm especially envious of your gladiola. I have roses only. I just can't maintain anything else sufficiently. Oh and camellias on a very old bush.
Your flowers are beautiful.
Christine G.
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