Monday, February 18, 2013

Guild Meeting

On the third Saturday of the month, I attend the El Segundo Slipt Stitchers Guild meeting at the Joslyn Center in El Segundo.  This is a very large group of knitters and crocheters.  In addition to a yarn-related raffle, refreshments, seeing what everyone else is making and communing with my yarny friends, we also have some sort of lesson at the end of the meeting.  This past Saturday we learned many different methods of knitted short rows.  Short rows are excellent for perfecting the fit of your sweater or for adding design details.  

I do love all of the gorgeous yarny items I spy at these meetings!  It's all very inspiring.

"Coquille" Shawl by example of short-rows for decoration
My friend, Ana taught the Japanese method of short rows.....very instructional.  There were two other teachers.  I could only wrap my brain around two teaching sessions.  Each teacher had 20 minutes to teach her method.  It was a bit rushed, but I still learned quite a bit.
Ana, teaching us the Japanese method for short rows
Ana's short row vest, in progress

After the Guild meeting, I had lunch with Ana and Joan W. at The Hummus Factory, across the street from the Park.  It was a delightful morning and afternoon!

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At 5:44 PM PST, Blogger Ana Petrova said...

I had a lot of fun too. Although teaching this complex technique in 20 minutes felt a bit like "speed dating".

At 3:31 AM PDT, Blogger High Style said...

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