Vintage Photo Friday

Time for winter! Get out your warm coats, just like Great Grandma Vera, above! This is my Dad's paternal grandmother, probably in Russia, wearing a fur coat for winter. I'm not sure of the year, maybe around 1910, or so. Grandma Vera migrated to Chicago after her son, my Grandfather Lawrence moved here. I'm sure she needed those warm coats for the harsh Chicago winters. I am told that Grandma Vera was a very strong woman, decisive and smart.
Here in Los Angeles warm coats are rarely needed. I'd be happy if the temperature reached 65 degrees F., so I could pull out a few sweaters.
Have a wonderful, cool weekend.
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Labels: Blog Stuff, family, Fashion, Memories, Vintage Photos
My hat is off to you. I think you are the only one still doing VPF. I may post later today...just haven't gotten around to it. I think Paper Dolls for Boys has done gone and left the country! Nahh...just really busy getting back to work and everyday life!
Great Grandma Vera is not one to be trifled with. That is a lot of fur.
Whoa...that is a lot of fur she is bundled up in. Do I spy the face of an animal where her hands should be? She might actually be wrestling a hoard of ermines.
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