Disturbin' Turban!

Regina brought one of her latest creations...the Turban. She got the pattern from an old McCall's Needlearts magazine. A few of us crocheters signed on to make the flowered headband and muff from this issue. I've finished the headband, but am reluctant to start the muff. Will I ever use it? Anyway, after trying on Regina's faboo Turban last night, I must make one of these for myself!!! It's so glamorous.

Years later, when I co-hosted a blues radio show on KPCC-Radio, I came across albums of blues and R & B greats who also wore turbans. There was Eddie Kirkland, Sonny Rhodes, The King of the Stroll--Chuck Willis, a group called The Turbans and of course, one of my faves from the 60's, Sam the Sham and the Pharoahs. There's a great site all about turban-wearing musicians here.
Remember Lana Turner in "The Postman
Always Rings Twice"? Another disturbin' turban!

I may have to wait before I start crocheting my custom turban, however. I'm on vacation next week and on Wednesday, I'll be driving up to Santa Clara for
Stitches West. I'm really excited. I've never been to one of these conferences. I've signed up for 4 classes: Build a Better Bag with Gwen Bortner, The Art of Aran Crochet with Bev Cooper, Fully Fashioned and Fabulous with my favorite designer Melissa Leapman, and Dimensional Knitting with Joyce Wyatt. There will be a fashion show by knit designers and a student fashion show and dinner. It's going to be total immersion...total yarn....for 4 whole days! Yippee!

I'll try to post during Stitches, but if I don't, I promise to post pictures and a detailed description upon my return. Au Revoir and Happy Crafting!
Labels: yarny stuff
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I can't wait to hear about the adventures of the "Caped Crocheter"! (that is your character's name in a project I am working on) Have tons of fun and be sure to touch all the yarn at Stitches West!!
How - fun I'm trying to make it down to Stitches West myself.
I think I'm now ready to attempt my own turban now that regina has shown us how it's done. I hope to see you at Stitches. I'll be at the Stitch Diva booth on Saturday from 10 - 4.
Oh, sure. You go have fun @ Stitches West. I like how you issue the invite to attend the WeHo SnB, but you're not even gonna be there!
Missed you last nite at the STITCH AND BITCH (didja hear that, SFSE?!). We met your archangels, Michael and Gabriel. :) They just dropped by to say hi.
Hope your having fun!
Ellen, is there a place where I can get the pattern for the turban. It is perfect for my Friend that is undergoing chemo. Thanks so much.
Oh monkeygrrrl....you are just too hip and in-the-know for me! What does SFSE mean? Michael and Gabriel? ARe they friends of Charles Phoenix's? OR is it Gabriel Baltierra from Blessings of the Cars?
JOAN...You can get the turban pattern by e-mailing Regina on the monstercrochet.com site. Tell her that L.A. Ell sent you!
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