Vintage Photo Friday
I found another photo in my Grandma Ethel's album that I just love. From left to right, Grandma Ethel, Uncle Mort, Baby George (my Dad, looking cranky), and Grandpa Lawrence.
It seems that Cawston Ostrich Farm was quite a tourist destination. You can read about it here. I was researching it on the web and found a Flickr photo of this lady's family at the Ostrich Farm too. THEN, I came across this page.
Here are some more great vintage photos of the farm:

More VPF.
Labels: family, Fashion, Los Angeles, Memories, Vintage Photos
Having once lived in South Pas, I've long been fascinated with the Ostrich Farm. How cool is that photo!!
From what I understand, the Ostrich Farm lofts marketing dept has stretched history a bit - I think the original site was *near* there but not actually on that land. I've been told it was down below, under the York Avenue bridge somewhere.
I love the pic. Can you imagine back then taking an ostrich ride! I'm glad to see that ostrich farms are making a come least they are around here. It is so cool that you can find information about the picture. I have so little information about the pictures I have.
These pics are very cool! I've been to the Ostrich Farm in Solvang...but I was a little scared - they are feisty!
What a cool picture! You really must frame and hang.
Beth O.
This has nothing to do with today's post but, have you seen this? Cate Blanchett on a red carpet in a granny square dress!
You were right! Granny Squares are the Building Blocks of Fashion!
Your fan, Suzette
You have such a goldmine of vintage photos and you are so generous to share them with us. Happy New Year!
Thanks for all the comments, EVERYONE! I love comments!
Yes, Suzette...The picture of Cate "Blankette" wearing the granny square dress has made the rounds on the crochet blogs. I like it and I don't like it....all at once!
That is the best photo! That ostrich is humongous. I love all the history too. very cool.
This is very, very weird: I, too, was researching the Cawston Ostrich Farm last week, and I came across the same Flickr page that you cited in your post. It was cool to see that old tourist photo, and now it's doubly cool to see a similar photo from a totally different family! Gotta love this town.
Hey Arhythmius...thanks for stopping by. I'll bet there are hundreds and hundreds of old photos of kids riding those ostriches at Cawstons in basements and attics all over the country!
Happy New Year Ellen!
Happy New Year!
A friend of mine raises ostriches (and camels and emus...) While their eggs are wicked cool, I too would not go anywhere near one. They are downright mean!
How cool! I was looking up info on the Cawston Ostrich Farm and found your blog. My mom found a photo of what we presume is a family member on an ostrich and it has the name of the ostrich farm on it. I would love to find more info and make sure this is a family member on one of the ostriches! There is no name or date on the photo though.
Hi Julie,
Everything I know about the Ostrich Farm is written in this post. I cannot help you in figuring out information about YOUR family members. Best of luck in your search.
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