I Found a New Group!
I'm so excited! I found a new-to-me Stitch 'n Bitch group! Heavens knows I really don't need to join anymore groups....yes, it's an addiction.....knitting and/or crocheting with friends!
This group has been meeting for awhile. In the back of my mind, I knew about them but really just didn't have a chance to join.
Michelle and Marla
Marla's pincushion project on top of her granny square
When I arrived, only two ladies were present. Eventually, 4 or 5 more showed up. I really like this group. The location is convenient, the ladies are lovely, the library has a good craft section and it's easy to park! I won't be able to attend every single Saturday morning, because I have other SnB obligations on the second Saturday of each month, but I'll try to attend as often as possible. Won't you join me?
Los Angeles Memorial Library Knitting (and crochet) Circle
Saturdays from 10am-noon
4625 W. Olympic Blvd. @ Rimpau
Bring your own supplies. Beginners are warmly welcomed.
This group has been meeting for awhile. In the back of my mind, I knew about them but really just didn't have a chance to join.
Last Saturday at 10am I drove the short distance to the Los Angeles Memorial Library on Olympic at Rimpau, across the street from L.A. High.

The building was erected in 1930 as a memorial from the LA HS class of '30 to those who lost their lives in World War I. There's a nice park in front of the Library too. It's a beautiful old building and a very sweet little library.

When I arrived, only two ladies were present. Eventually, 4 or 5 more showed up. I really like this group. The location is convenient, the ladies are lovely, the library has a good craft section and it's easy to park! I won't be able to attend every single Saturday morning, because I have other SnB obligations on the second Saturday of each month, but I'll try to attend as often as possible. Won't you join me?

Saturdays from 10am-noon
4625 W. Olympic Blvd. @ Rimpau
Bring your own supplies. Beginners are warmly welcomed.
Labels: Art, Fashion, Friends, Los Angeles, yarny stuff
I pass that little park every day and never knew there was a library. You're so informative, Ellen.
Oh maybe I will! I love Saturday morning knitting. I won't be free the next few Saturday mornings, but perhaps soon!
Hi Ellen! I've been following your blog for a long time now, and never had I thought that I would one day see myself and my pincushion on your blog! Ha! We really enjoyed your company at the Memorial Library knit group, and glad that you plan to join us again! :D
I just got home from my first time with the SNB at the Farmer's Market. I really like that group! Thanks for the invite. I hope to be one of the regulars, heheh. Thanks for being there and making me feel right at home.
Toodles for now!
Yeah! Can't wait to find a free Saturday to visit the "new" group! You are such a yarn hound, sniffing out yarny folk everywhere! So glad Marla joined us last night at the Farmer's Market.
Oh, this is great info! I know that library because I used to work in the area and would wander over on my lunch hour. But I didn't know that they had a SnB group! Exciting.
I will try to make it.
Ditto what Laurie said. It sounds really nice (ESPECIALLY the parking part), and I was thinking about it (it really *is* too convenient!), then I went back to see what time - TEN IN THE A.M.?!?!?! Hahahahhhahahhahhhahhahahahahahahhahah!!!
This is a great group and I had a great time when I was able to attend. I will attend as often as I can.
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