Red Dots!

When you see a red dot next to painting, that means that it has sold.
I can't believe it!!! I pre-sold a painting for my art show opening! Last night at the WeHo SnB, I was sitting next to Brit. I gave her the flyer with my Angelino Heights painting on it. She wanted to know if that painting was available. is still available. She bought it on the spot!!! Wow! Suddenly, I'm popular. Thanks so much, Brit for becoming my art patron!

My art show opening is FINALLY here! Hope to see many of you tomorrow night at Future Studio, 5558 No. Figueroa St., Highland Park (North East L.A.) between 6 and 10pm. This event is part of the NELA Second Saturday Gallery Night that occurs every month in the Arroyo Arts District. There are many galleries to visit. A must-see (besides Future Studio, of course) is Mor York Gallery on York @ Avenue 50. Tour the entire won't be disappointed. Another two galleries that are right next door to each other are: Avenue 50 Studio and Acorn Gallery.
I've added a few new pieces to this show. You can see them listed under L.A. Landscapes at my art website, or you can come by and visit me on Saturday! I'll have prints for sale. There will be munchies too! Bring your camera along with the rest of the papparazzi!

"L.A. is a Tourist Destination" - Mixed Media on Canvas, 12" x 12"
Labels: Art, Los Angeles
Hey Ellen!
Congrads on pre-selling a painting before your exhibit. I wish I could be there! Good luck.
YAY Brit (although I'm gonna steal that dog!!!)!!!!
YAY Ellen!!!!
Good luck on your show, Ellen. You should show off some of those great purses and bags you've made!
If your stuff looks as good in person as it does on this page, it is going to be a big success!
THANKS, everyone for your good wishes. I'll report on my sales after the weekend!
Ellen B.
Great show! Loved your stuff, loved meeting Larry and everyone, and especially Chicken Boy! Looked like a lot of red stars next to paintings tonight--yay you!!
Ellen, how fabulous! That has got to feel good that your work is going to someone who will love and enjoy it.
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