My Exciting Life
After a very busy Saturday meeting, greeting and listening to The Yarn Harlot, I came home and plotzed on the couch! Our dinner plans had been postponed, so I finally had time to just sit and stare at the wall (or stare at all my UFO's sitting in totebags around the house). Ahhh..peace...that is until Mr. Larry came home.
He announced that in about 15 minutes the opening night of SHAG's show at Billy Shire Fine Arts was happening and that we should go. Mr. Larry is one of SHAG's photographers of his incredible paintings, so we do know him and always like to support his art shows in our area. Not that SHAG (Josh Agle) needs any support. In the past few years, his painting prices have sky-rocketed. He's very successful, talented and extremely charming.
We trundled over to the art gallery....very close to our house. Inside, Josh's show "Conspicuous Consumption" was swingin'. Josh had built this mini-house, painted it just like the ones in his super-cool, mid-century paintings and furnished it with child-sized modern furniture. It is spectacular! There were also new paintings exhibited and a wall of mini-paintings, bagged and labeled like shop merchandise. The very small paintings were $900 apiece! Yikes! Josh is verrrry successful.
We roamed around a bit, I had my photo snapped with the Artist. I was sitting near the book section of the gallery and this lovely, familiar looking lady came over to say hello. It was Bree from the Triplecreme blog!!! We'd never met, but we've commented on each other's blogs. Bree is a restaurant blogger. I love reading her posts about local places, especially Culver City, Mar Vista, Santa Monica and the westside. We chatted a bit about the local scene and restaurants in general. Bree informed me that I influenced her to start her food blog! Wow! Thanks for letting me know, Bree. It was great meeting you in such a colorful setting. Hope to see you at the Metro Cafe soon.

Bree and Ellen
Labels: Art, Los Angeles
Groooooovy, baby!
Ellen, the picture of you with Shag is just like one of the paintings!
The blogiverse is such a small place. That's awesome that she recognized you and said hola!
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