Totebags 'R Us

I am a firm believer in the necessity of owning multiple totebags. From a GREEN standpoint, it's always good to have a totebag handy in your car if you happen to stop by the market or any other store. We want to refrain from using non-biodegradable plastic bags. Totebags not only hold groceries, they can hold my most prized possession.....yarn! They can be used as mini-storage units for your stash until you have time to file the yarn into proper bins. We like to carry books, records (oops, I mean CDs), lunch, magazines, etc. I like to knit and crochet my own totes. Some of my totes in regular rotation are:

Oilcloth Tote with Multiple Pockets
I was fortunate to receive many totes for my recent b-day. I LOVE all of my totes. I can always use MORE totes. Check out a few:
Tiki-Tote, embroidered by Mary Jo
Batik Tote from Crazy Aunt Purl
L.A. Map Tote, from Audrey & Jeff
Oilcloth Tote from Madge, Marie, Mary, Jillian, Annette
Envirosax from Beth
there are 5 different foldable, washable totes in each pouch!
Original Design Tote Sewn by Carla

Carla's Tote is REVERSIBLE!!!
Hand-Embroidered by the oh, so talented Carla!
Labels: yarny stuff
OMG, Ellen! Your totebag collection is awesome. Are there more?
I'm a sucker for a good tote bag. When I was a bus rider, I couldn't get enough. I'm totally buying those Envirosax next payday.
Never too many bags, I agree! And oh my, I don't think I spied the last tote. That is beyond fabulous!
Great collection of tote bags! I might be catching up to you on quantity, but certainly not on quality. Mine either have logos from some freebie giveaway, or they are store bags. Well, except for my favorite Edward Gorey designed "cats, books--life is good" bag that made me buy it when I was working at that V-place! PS, Annette's blog is at
i love totes...Love the trader joes one and the LA one also...
Totally tote-alicious!
You are a very talented, lucky and obviously much-adored young lady. Love the totes!
Great totes! (sorry, it's hot, I've got the flu and my brain has melted) Love MJ's and Carla's embroidered ones.
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